The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Traveling

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Traveling

Quotes from Me:

“We rarely know others’ motives.”

“Take pride in the success of those you care about. Invest in your family members and friends.”

“Disrespect makes people feel bad and it also makes people perform worse. Let’s build each other up.”

Quotes from Others:

“People will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think.” – Aldous Huxley

“In life, the only two things you can control are your effort and your attitude. Everything else is not up to you.” – S. Mcnutt

“You could be good today but instead you choose tomorrow.” – Marcus Aurelius

Quick Optimism:

On relationships:

“People are in your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Stop trying to force people into the wrong category.” – Unknown

Question of the Week:

What do you notice first when traveling to new places?

I always notice the architecture and the food. In other words, I notice how it looks and how it tastes.

Typically, once I have explored a bit and eaten, my next question is: what else is close by? It is always interesting to see how different a place becomes a few miles in any direction. Are there mountains, lakes, neighborhoods, heavy woods?

As Edgar Degas said, “The true traveler never arrives.”

So, what do you notice first? How curious are you about the next destination?

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