The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: The Dog in the Window

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: The Dog in the Window

Quotes of the Week from Me:

“Find things that complement your life, not ones that consume it.”

“I like to find some quiet.”

“Put love at the core of all you do.”

Quotes of the Week from Others:

“A person, who no matter how desperate the situation, gives others hope, is a true leader.” – Daisaku Ikeda

“If one way be better than another, that you may be sure is nature’s way.” – Aristotle

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Quick Optimism:

Friends should sharpen one another.

Question of the Week:

What cheers people up every time?

A dog peeking out of a car window as their owner drives down the road.

This week we got stuck at a red light at the bottom of a very big hill. The day was hot and traffic was heavier than usual. The light stayed red for a while.

All of a sudden, in the car right in front of us, a bib golden retriever popped its head and shoulders out the window.

Soon cars started turning from the main road up the hill and past the friendly dog in the window. As they drove by, smiles and laughter overwhelmed each passenger.

When the light finally turned green, we all accelerated onto the main road. With two lanes on each side, the driver in front of us turned left, staying in the left lane. It had to be intentional, and without hesitation, the dog switched to the open window on the other side of the care so cars in the right lane could see him/her better.

More days were made.

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