The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Surroundings

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Surroundings

Quotes from Me:

“One bite of pancake, with extra syrup, made my entire Sunday.”

“How many things will you attempt to juggle before you drop them all?”

“When something becomes important enough, you’ll find a way to do it.”

Quotes from Others:

“Nature never rushes, yet all things are accomplished.” – Tao Te Ching

“An abnormal reaction to an abnormal situation is normal behavior.” – Viktor E. Frankl

“You’ve got to get to the stage in life where going for it is more important than winning or losing.” – Arthur Ashe

“Constantly remind yourself how little you truly know and of how mysterious the world remains.” – Robert Greene

Quick Optimism:

You need 7 types of rest:

Physical, mental, social, spiritual, sensory, emotional, and creative rest.

Question of the Week:

What part of your current surroundings are ultimately bad for you? Can you make a change?

I have a trip to my alma mater coming up for work in a few weeks and it made me start thinking about some of the great memories I have from my time in Rochester, New York.

It also made me think about living less than a block away from McDonald’s during my graduate year. It was the only thing I could find within reasonable driving distance when walking or driving home from classes that would end as late as 10pm.

I think you can add things up here, I went to McDonald’s WAY too much at the time. And even when the walk-in restaurant closed, my roommate and I would drive 50 feet to hit the drive through after 11pm.

Now I live about 10 minutes from McDonald’s, and though I still love a Big Mac every once in a while, it is much easier to avoid the drive through both schedule and proximity wise.

Can you avoid certain parts of your surroundings? Should you do your best to avoid situations like living 50 feet from McDonald’s?

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