The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Looking Out Your Window

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Looking Out Your Window

Quotes from Me:

“Do not lie to yourself.”

“Go back to the give and take. How much are you giving? How much are you taking?”

“Do what you can to create clarity. Not always, but sometimes it means omission.”

Quotes from Others:

“You will have bad times, but they will always wake you up to the stuff you weren’t paying attention to.” – Robin Williams

“When we give ourselves compassion, we open our hearts in a way that can transform our lives.” – Dr. Kristin Neff

“The goal is not to be perfect by the end. The goal is to be better today.” – Simon Sinek

Quick Optimism:

Surround yourself with people who can make you smile even on your bad days.

Question of the Week:

Happy Labor Day! Any fun plans for the long weekend? Have a wonderful time and soak up the last few weeks of warm weather if you live up north like me. Onto the question of the week, we go!

What do you see when you look out your window?

This week I noticed my daughter kept running to her room. She found out she could climb up onto the rocking chair she got from her Grammie to look out the window. It’s the same rocking chair her Grammie had as a child, and she loves to climb and sit on it.

On one particular day, we were trying to get our kids out of the house for what felt like the fifth time that morning. We had already gone out to a playground, then to a store for snacks, and now we were at it again, heading to the fair.

As some of you may know, kids rarely notice how difficult it is to undress their dirty clothes, sunscreen them, redress them, and load them into the car. It’s even more difficult when they avoid you or do their best to dodge the arm holes on their t-shirts.

But even in the rush out the door, I did notice that my daughter really likes to look out her window.

It might have something to do with seeing her favorite swing on the tree in the front yard. Maybe she likes watching other kids walk and bike past our house.

When she looked out the window, I decided to join her this week. I saw the same things as her and all the other memories we have made in 4 short years in our front yard.

What do you see when you look out your window?

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