The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Is the Oven On?

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Is the Oven On?

Quotes of the Week from Me:

“There is always something that needs to get done.”

“A broken mirror reveals the frailty of beauty’s imperfection.”

“Eliminate distractions.”

“Be more intentional with less.”

Quotes of the Week from Others:

“Only when you realize you are blessed, will you really tap into what you can give.” – Brendan Burchard

“The world will only give you what you ask of it.” – Eddie Pinero

“If you don’t do your dance, who will?” – Gabrielle Roth

Quick Optimism

Focus on what’s working. Other commitments may become distractions and take away from what’s already working.

Question of the Week:

Is the oven on?

Like the quotes of the week, something always needs to be done, and at times the best way to do that is by eliminating distractions.

The first thing that needed to be done this week was going to Hannaford to buy a Digiorno’s frozen pizza, the thin crust kind. They have rising crust, stuffed cheesy crust, hand tossed, and are probably inventing other crusts in a lab (warehouse) somewhere as I type.

If I could take credit, I would, however, it was my son who discovered the best frozen pizza I have ever tasted. He loves pepperoni and I have been enjoying these tasty carbs for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and leftovers.

After making the trip to the store and buying the best frozen pizza, other chores and life got in the way of actually cooking the pizza.

We were doing our usual, climbing up the stairs all together. That means I was carrying a car seat and groceries while tripping over a toddler, tripping over a dog, and then getting stuck at the top of the stairs due to a closed baby gate. Thing is a monster.

At this point my mind is racing, I knew several somethings needed to get done. The cold groceries needed to be put in the fridge, but the bad food in the fridge also needed to be cleaned out. The trash needed to be taken out and replaced with a fresh trash bag. Two hungry kids were screaming with hopes of getting yummy food instantaneously.

I realized I hadn’t turned the oven on. It takes 10-15 minutes to come to temp and then the pizza takes 15-20 minutes to cook. That wouldn’t cut it for a couple of hungry kids.

I turned around and oven was already turned on.

Sometimes your friends, partners, and colleagues will be the ones who get things done for you. All that followed was smiles from happily full bellies from the best frozen pizza we have ever had.

Is the oven on?

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