The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Green Field

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Green Field

Quotes from Me:

“I haven’t been to a concert in way too long. So, I bought some tickets to a show.”

“If your habits don’t change, your new year won’t feel very new.”

“This little quote is just another reminder that listening is usually more important than talking.”

Quotes from Others:

“You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don’t ever count on having both at once.” – Robert A. Heinlin

“One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.” – Goethe

“The only thing that you truly can control is where you place your attention and where you place your effort.” – Andrew Huberman

Quick Optimism:

Friendship improves happiness.


If you were given a green field scenario, what would it look like? What would you grow there?

It could be life, family, work, and/or all the above. If you haven’t heard of the green field scenario, picture a big open field. A field untouched by previous crops, untouched by newly developed buildings, and untouched by trees or other obstacles.

You have the opportunity to build, grow, and design anything you want. What would your ideal family look like? Ideal team at work? What is your ideal level or type of health?

What’s fun about this scenario, is that you get to start from scratch. Your current constraints are no longer present, they can’t leak into your current state or how you have things set up currently.

The green field exercise will allow you to identify current things you want, changes you may want to make, and allow you to build a plan for tomorrow right now.

It will also give you some direction for where to dig first, and then all you’ll need is a shovel.

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