The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Favorites

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Favorites

Quotes of the Week from Me:

“Things will be uncertain.”

“Always consider the slightly riskier option.”

“What will you hope you had done 20 years from now? 30? 40?”

Quotes of the Week from Others:

“Exuding kindness is not for reciprocity, but character.” – Unknown

“Never forget it takes very little to live a fulfilled and happy life.” – Marcus Aurelius

“And that’s the thing about people who mean everything they say. They think everyone else does too.” Khaled Hosseini – this one hit me especially hard!

Quick Optimism:

Don’t give up.

Question of the Week:

What were your favorite things from last week?

What will be your favorite things this week?

My favorite things last week were biking with my kids, finding a really difficult workout to look forward to (trying it today), and being outside nonstop all weekend.

My favorite things this upcoming week will be the ice cream welcome event for my son’s school, that I already finished Monday’s chores on Sunday, and gearing up for some fun work travel (my wife is joining for a couple trips) in the next few weeks.

Think about how great your week was, then plan things to look forward to in the weeks to come. Now that is my kind of cycle!

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