The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Favorite Day

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Favorite Day

Quotes of the Week from Me:

“In the valley of dreams, the peaks hide the sun.”

“Practice like you have never won.”

“The ease of a penalty kick is earned by overcoming the hardship of getting tackled.”

I couldn’t figure out how to weave in as much symbolism as I wanted in this quote, so I kept it simple. What I really wanted to touch on was how different goals can look from each other. Some goals are a layup in basketball, you can use either hand and get help from the backboard. You have options. Other goals are like a long rally in tennis or a touchdown pass. You hit rep after rep while accounting for the height of the net, the lines on the other side, and the potential outcomes of your opponent. You run the perfect play and your wide receiver is wide open but you still have to hit your target and he still has to catch your pass while avoiding the defense. Goals come in all shapes and sizes!

Quotes of the Week from Others:

“Anything’s possible!” – Kevin Garnett

“Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.” – Vince Lombardi

“A trophy carries dust. Memories last forever.” – Mary Lou Retton

Quick Optimism:

Life is about learning.

Question of the Week:

What does your favorite day look like?

Mine is pretty simple, I think.

The tail end of a day on the lake. Swimming. Bonfire burning. Breeze blowing. The kids playing, running, and laughing. This Sunday I took a few moments to sit in my chair, take a few deep breaths, and take it all in.

It was my favorite day, and I plan on recreating it again as soon as possible.

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