The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Embracing Mistakes

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Embracing Mistakes

Quotes of the Week from Me:

“Keep showing up. People remember your effort, but more so your presence.”

If we all ate the exact same, followed the same workout program, and lived every single day identically, we would still look physically and feel emotionally different than one another.”

“Think hard, less.” I need this.

Quotes of the Week from Others:

“You can’t add days to your life but you can add life to your days.” – Unknown

“Soul would have us go where we fear to go in order to learn who we are intended to be.” – Michael Meade

“Discover yourself, otherwise you have to depend on other people’s opinion who don’t know themselves.” – Osho

Quick Optimism:

A really good nap can change your entire week.

Question of the Week:

Have you ever made a mistake?

Of course, the answer is yes. Several things got me thinking about mistakes I have made and I always come back to how important they are.

Funny enough, I backed into a friend’s car this week while they were parked in my driveway. It was a combination of being rushed and having too many distractions. I couldn’t find my sunglasses.

I have made that mistake in the past and will probably make it again in the future, but it reminded me that very few things are worth backing into a friend’s car for. Another great reminder to slow down.

When you make mistakes, learn!

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