The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: A Light-Filled Life

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: A Light-Filled Life

Quotes of the Week from Me:

“The simple is extraordinary.”

New poem:

In searching for lights,

There is quiet.

Beginnings, endings,


I am searching for lights.

“Everyone deserves happiness, just remember it isn’t a destination.”

“Not as bad for you… Healthier than… The healthy version of… These don’t really mean HEALTHY. Enjoy treats and unhealthy food when you eat it. Then move on and get back to HEALTHY.”

Quotes of the Week from Others:

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King Jr. – a week late for MLK day, but powerful nonetheless

“Life is a long lesson on humility.” – James M. Barrie

“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” – Leonard Cohen

“I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars.” – OG Mandino

Quick Optimism:

I found this old thought I wrote down about a year ago and it resonated with me again.

“You will learn a lot about your mental self when you push the limits of your physical self.”

It got me thinking, the beauty of sport, or physical exertion, lies within its ability to prepare you for the rest of what life throws at you.

Early mornings, challenging feats, and bonding with others are all crucial pieces to the puzzle. Go for a hike, try a new workout, enjoy phone calls or time with friends and family. It’s rejuvenation and preparation for what the day will bring.

Questions of the Week:

What does light mean to you?

I noticed something the other day. It was a light. Several actually. I keep waking up to them, then seeing them again as I head to my room each night.

From the kitchen I can see into the backyard, just less than the usual; that time of year again. Winter in Vermont is dark. But from the kitchen I can see bright lights shining from my neighbor’s house.

I like to look for a moment; the house is too far away to see the activity inside, but I like that. There is enough privacy for us both. But the morning lights suggest an early, quiet start to the day. There are plenty of days when I wake up and the lights are not shining yet, but knowing someone else enjoys the quiet of the morning brings me joy.

The evening lights are calming and quiet too, but as a dad to young kids they make me wonder how someone who is up early is up late too. The lights from my neighbor’s house made me think maybe days can be longer than we let them be.

What things are worth keeping the lights on for?

As I watched the lights again this morning, I started noticing other lights in my life. Some I chase around the house, constantly switching them off to save money. Others I’d say go unnoticed; I haven’t looked at the stars lately. It has been too cold.

So, what does light mean to you?

This week, I found out. In many ways light means time. Some lights track time, others symbolize emotions or stages of life. What I keep coming back to are moments shared with others. This week it was my son.

I felt like I was in a Disney movie. I am a bit biased because I grew up watching them. There are so many movies with scenes that place you right in the movie. You can feel what it’s like to be the character.

But this week I was reminded of one of my all-time favorites, Toy Story. The nostalgia of playing in your bedroom, growing up in a neighborhood with tons of kids, birthday parties. The sunshine. The good stuff. It really takes you back. I swear most of the movie has that perfect, middle of the afternoon sunshine that beams through the windows and keeps your house at the perfect temperature.

As I was getting ready to make dinner, a much more adult responsibility, I glanced down the hallway and saw light shining through the door in my son’s room. He had mentioned he needed to grab something from his bed. And it has been a long time since he started turning lights on by himself but for some reason it really struck me this time. The light was turned on. And he didn’t need my help to do it. For me, light means time this week. Starting the day. Ending it (later for things that are worth it). Light means time. Time’s passing, its indication of beginning and ending, and finally, that there can never be enough of it.

Make it a light-filled Monday.

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