The Big, Green Umbrella

The Big, Green Umbrella

Quotes of the Week from Me:

“Commitment is a relationship with unfamiliar numbers on your clock.”

“Please say hello to other people, especially in response.”

“Your education is never complete. Commit to a life of learning.”

“Wake up, eat two bananas and drink a big glass of water. You’re welcome.”

“What makes you feel alive? Do you do it?”

“It’s ok to be happy in private.”

“It is WAY more fun when it isn’t easy.”

Quotes of the Week from Others:

“It takes the whole life to learn how to live, and – what will perhaps make you wonder more – it takes the whole of life to learn how to die.” – Seneca

“A day without laughter is a day wasted.” – Nicolas Chamfort

“The only normal people are the ones you don’t know very well.” – Alfred Adler

Quick Optimism

I truly believe that it all comes down to how often you show kindness and understanding, genuine compassion, no matter how trying the circumstances.

Be there for you. Be there for others.

Full Newsletter

The Big, Green Umbrella

What’s dark but inviting? Colder but cozier? What takes work to install but offers relaxation for years to come?

I’m not the best at coming up with riddles but the answer is our new green umbrella.

This week I am writing from a very common perspective of mine: the appreciative parent of two young kids. As the projects pile up and the calendar even more so, there is very little time to fit things in. Apparently, it is called the deprivation stage and what a great word to describe things that are less than their typical.

Less sleep (not lately, but let’s not jinx it!), less time, less energy, less adult TV shows, less date nights. It is not a negative thing. It’s just less. Many of us know it’s because of a lot of “more” with other things. More giggling, more playing, more storytelling. It’s the give and take that most parents experience.

A few weeks ago, my grandfather-in-law bought us a giant, 11-foot umbrella for our back porch. “You could use some shade back there,” he said.

We are lucky already with very mature trees but throughout the day our shade comes and goes. By 3 o’clock our back yard is completely shady, but up until now we have only eaten dinner on the deck.

As we venture into a new stage of “Outside! Outside! Outside!” we can now answer our toddler’s demands with breakfast, playing, lunch, more playing, dinner, and even more playing outside, outside, outside!

The big, green umbrella is the perfect addition to our busy, active family and I could not be more appreciative of such a big improvement from one of the smallest house projects.

Short and sweet this week, but always a lot to unpack. Do you need a big, green umbrella at your house? Have you ever given one to someone else?

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