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Tag: success

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: My Elderly Neighbor

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: My Elderly Neighbor

Quotes of the Week from Me: Quotes are thoughts. Bits of knowledge. Sometimes commands. I believe they can be questions too. “Find something you want to wake up early for, even on a Saturday.” “There is a generational debate about the definition of efficient innovation. What is progress? What is laziness?” Quotes of the Week from Someone Else “So, you aren’t from here, but you are here, and it’s lovely to have you.” – Kind old man from my neighborhood…

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The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Always an Opportunity

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Always an Opportunity

April 3, 2023 Quotes of the Week from Me: “There is opportunity in every direction.” “Too early? Begin. Out of breath? Don’t stop. Tired? Keep going.” Quote of the Week from Someone Else: Mark Helprin in Winter’s Tale: “Nothing is random, nor will anything ever be… Everything that ever was, is; everything that ever will be, is… Though in perceiving it we imagine that it is in motion and unfinished, it is quite finished and quite astonishingly beautiful.” Quick Optimism…

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Your Career is a Staircase

Your Career is a Staircase

Your career is a staircase. But not in the way you think. Most people associate growth, progress, and success with forward or upward movement. The vertical trajectory is a constant reminder to develop and master a lucrative skillset and to generate external interest or overcome external competition. A staircase takes people up, forward, and to a new destination. Sure, the analogy sounds nice – eventually you end up at the top of countless steps, or at the tail end of…

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