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Tag: parenting

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: The Whole World Slowed to a Standstill, Again

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: The Whole World Slowed to a Standstill, Again

Quotes of the Week from Me: “Obsession is intimidating and invigorating.” “Enjoy the moment as much as the memory.” “Ask yourself not what you can achieve, but what you will.” Quotes of the Week from Someone Else: “Anything is life is worth doing, is worth over doing, moderation is for cowards.” – Shane Patton “In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That means you have 1,440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact.” – Les Brown Positive anything is better…

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Who Are You?

Who Are You?

Who are you? What will you do? You must know what you want to pursue. You are young, that is true, but at your age I knew exactly what I had to do. Work hard in school, get the highest scores, learn all you can, start with 2+2=4. But also make sure you explore and explore. It’s okay, be unsure. Stay on track, then explore even more. Who are you? Is such a hard question, try new things, they’ll leave…

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Parenting: Promoting Positive Self-Exploration

Parenting: Promoting Positive Self-Exploration

Becoming a parent is the most exciting adventure in life. Becoming a successful parent takes on infinite forms. Without evidence of a clear path to such success, a consistent commitment to hard work, reflection, and adjustment is necessary. Take a moment to think back to your childhood. Think about your family history. What defines the generation that raised you? Who raised your parents? My parents grew up in the 1960’s and 1970’s, raised by my loving grandparents who grew up…

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