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Tag: dream big

Yes You Can, Henry.

Yes You Can, Henry.

Henry jumped into bed as fast as he could. “Why is the world so big?” he asked. His Mom smiled. So you can explore all it has to offer. “Can I scuba dive?” he asked, pointing to his shelf full of toys. Yes you can, Henry. “Can I make it to the Olympics?” he asked. Yes you can, Henry. “What about a doctor? Can I be a doctor?” he asked. Yes you can, Henry. Henry pulled his covers up to…

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Who Are You?

Who Are You?

Who are you? What will you do? You must know what you want to pursue. You are young, that is true, but at your age I knew exactly what I had to do. Work hard in school, get the highest scores, learn all you can, start with 2+2=4. But also make sure you explore and explore. It’s okay, be unsure. Stay on track, then explore even more. Who are you? Is such a hard question, try new things, they’ll leave…

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