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Category: Articles and Stories

This page includes my favorite articles and children’s stories. I know that a disciplined, positive attitude leads to a better, more optimistic outlook on life. Please browse by the main themes: Career, Parenting, Life Lessons, and Stories for Kids at the top of the page.

Two of my goals:

  1. Reach 100,000 readers across my website and social media
  2. Publish a book/several children’s books by the end of 2023.

I am very glad to welcome you and look forward to hearing your thoughts and questions. Enjoy!

Email Like a Professional

Email Like a Professional

Email Basics Sending emails are still necessary for most professional positions in the United States. At every level of employment as an employee, business owner, blogger, photographer, caregiver, etc. emailing is an important skill. When we boil down communication between people, teams, and companies, sending an email works, they are quick and efficient. Let’s make sure you are getting your message across in the most professional and effective way. Email etiquette Email etiquette is all about engaging your audience and…

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Interview Skills to Help You Get Hired

Interview Skills to Help You Get Hired

KNOW YOUR RESUME BUILD YOUR NARRATIVE – TELL A CAPTIVATING STORY EFFECTIVE NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION CLARIFY QUESTIONS SHOWCASE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE COMPANY AND INTERVIEWER(S) Interviewing for a new job is imperfect. Chemistry with the hiring manager or hiring committee is hit or miss and your ability to connect with potential future coworkers could make or break an official offer. Make sure you have the skills below in your arsenal to take on any interview with confidence. Good luck! Know Your…

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Commit to Practice, Progress, and Competition

Commit to Practice, Progress, and Competition

The world remembers Kobe Bryant for inspiring multiple generations of athletes, fathers, business people, and anyone who tries their luck shooting a crumpled piece of paper at a trash can. It is almost a requirement to yell, “Kobe!” when doing anything that resembles a jump shot. Kobe was a generational talent, but also someone who had mastered his ruthless mentality, nicknamed his Mamba Mentality, and the art of true work ethic. He left this world too soon and will be…

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Choose Your Hard: Finances.

Choose Your Hard: Finances.

One of my favorite quotes is “choose your hard.” It truly applies to everyone. I included the longer version of the quote below. “Choose your hard. Marriage is hard. Divorce is hard. Choose your hard. Obesity is hard. Being fit is hard. Choose your hard. Being in debt is hard. Being disciplined financially is hard. Choose your hard. Communication is hard. Not communicating is hard. Choose your hard. Life will never be easy. It will always be hard. But we…

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Practical Optimism: Take Positive Action

Practical Optimism: Take Positive Action

When I say “practice optimism” I think about a commitment to a better future for myself and my family. Hence the website title, my consistent reminder to be grateful while also working hard towards a better future. When I discuss taking a positive approach, people tend to ask questions about reactions. How do you remain optimistic when a family member passes or when you lose a lot of money? Practicing optimism is an active phrase. Practice is dissection. Optimism is…

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Writing A Cover Letter: How to Engage a Hiring Committee

Writing A Cover Letter: How to Engage a Hiring Committee

Cover letters are NOT your resume in paragraph form. Lean on your experiences, include helpful insights into some of the bullet points on your resume, but focus on why you are prepared for the job you have applied for and what you will accomplish in the role if selected. Some job listings request an “optional” cover letter or additional documents. I have always thought of “optional” as you absolutely need to. Optional practice? You go. Optional office hours with your…

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Parenting: Promoting Positive Self-Exploration

Parenting: Promoting Positive Self-Exploration

Becoming a parent is the most exciting adventure in life. Becoming a successful parent takes on infinite forms. Without evidence of a clear path to such success, a consistent commitment to hard work, reflection, and adjustment is necessary. Take a moment to think back to your childhood. Think about your family history. What defines the generation that raised you? Who raised your parents? My parents grew up in the 1960’s and 1970’s, raised by my loving grandparents who grew up…

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Writing A Resume

Writing A Resume

#1 Rule: Everything you include on your resume is fair game for questions throughout the hiring process. Be yourself. It makes it so much easier to touch on your experiences and explain why you are well-rounded for the position you want. Focus on telling your narrative, in which you demonstrate the skills and commitment that you bring to the table. Relate this narrative to the job description and connect your current circumstances to your future goals. 4 Key Concepts 1….

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How to Talk to Strangers

How to Talk to Strangers

Whether walking down the street or building a new client base, human beings encounter strangers regularly. The world’s population is growing infinitely. Skyscrapers full of apartments are popping up everywhere. Even some parts of suburbia feel like they are being overtaken by the growing concrete jungle. As more people flood into cities and towns, there is an increase in interaction. I hope most of it is good, but the depths of these interactions vary immensely, and I have some ideas…

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Life is A Collection of Choices

Life is A Collection of Choices

Article #1 It took several days and some nights to think about my first website article. I actually took even longer to start building the website to create a platform for my ideas. Before choices, I asked questions. What will I write about? Will anyone read my work? Will they enjoy it and learn from it? Eventually, I made the choice to just start writing, so welcome to article number one. Life is about choices. People are required to choose…

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