Best Book Ever

Best Book Ever

Come on now, call the pup. Grab a book, cozy up.

The house is locked, we are safe. It’s time to read, to investigate.

Pup popped up and snuggled in, between my feet, she laid her chin.

Our day was done and hers was too, time for adventure to ensue.

“What story did you pick tonight?” I told my Mom, the greatest one, right?

“Oh no, really? That one again?” Of course this one, it’s ten out of ten!

It begins in darkness but ends so bright, what a perfect way to end the night.

It has heroes and journeys, plenty of treasure. They fight in battles, it’s quite the endeavor.

Last time we read it, my eyes quickly closed, before the end, I quickly dozed.

But tonight I plan to make it through, to see what happens to the hero’s crew.

Off they trek to places unknown, their swords clashing in war zones.

Here I am cozy in bed, my heroes fighting, never dead.

Traveling far and sometimes wide, looking for love to join their side.

What was that? They found something new! About the treasure, a brand new clue!

All this excitement has me blinking, I am fighting sleep, not thinking, but sinking.

Sinking deeper into bed, the end of the story, still unread.

I bet the end is very clever, but I never make it to the treasure.

My Mom just smiles, reading softly. Pup is now asleep on top of me.

If I had to measure pleasure, it’s falling asleep to the best book ever.

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