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Author: willrjconroy

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Controversial Optimism in Everyday Life

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Controversial Optimism in Everyday Life

Quote of the week from me: Any basketball fans? “Sometimes a perfect pass still leads to a jammed finger. It’s your job to score anyway.” Like playing through a minor, mid-game injury, life is full of adversity. It comes in all forms of inconvenience and the challenges present themselves from both positive and negative circumstances. You get promoted. You get fired. You get an A. You get an F. You begin a new relationship. You get dumped. How does each…

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The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: The Crumpled-Up Soccer Ball

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: The Crumpled-Up Soccer Ball

Quote of the week: There is a plausible alternative to your original interpretation. I have discussed happiness, conflict, and committing to the utilization of practical optimism. Identify and acknowledge the good and bad in life. Commit to reminders that you are in control of your response to anything that happens. Consider the NAFA approach when at work, at home, being social, and around people in general. It also works when you are alone. From an article I wrote in September,…

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The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Too Much Information

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Too Much Information

Updates: — Stay behind the moment. My quote of the week, find it later on too: There is a current state, a growth state, and a future state that will always exist simultaneously. It takes a lot of time and effort to maintain daily standards of rest and work. Sometimes one makes more sense than the other. You may have heard things like “be in the moment” but my dad always told me to stay or be “behind the moment.”…

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The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Happiness.

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Happiness.

Speaking of happiness, happy birthday, Mom! You are the best. For anyone curious, she turns 39 this year (haha). Happiness. Impossible to define for many, hopefully available to all. I rely heavily on my own experiences and perspective to bring you a great start to your Monday each week. Maybe I read more than I typically do this past week, or maybe I thought I would change it up this Monday. Either way, I threw in a few extra sources…

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The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Small But Mighty. The 3-Foot World.

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Small But Mighty. The 3-Foot World.

Small But Mighty. The 3-Foot World. In the last week or so, I have been to 3 states, plenty of work meetings, and read two books. I have also been to more playgrounds than I can count, I jumped in roughly 9 different puddles, and built some serious block towers. My best effort at architecture. Whether the day is dictated by work, young kids, or uncontrollable distractions, it has become clear to me that the day is won or lost…

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The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Hair Clips

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Hair Clips

One of my current job responsibilities includes traveling to colleges and universities to meet with students about the program offerings at Dartmouth College. One of my favorite conversations always starts with, “What is your biggest dream?” or “What do you want to accomplish?” Students talk about consulting, investment banking, and starting their own businesses. Some want to be professors or work in the medical or technology fields. These answers are great in their own way. These industries are associated with…

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The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Saying Sorry in Chicago

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Saying Sorry in Chicago

Monday, February 6, 2023 I just got back from a long weekend in Chicago. It was a nice change to have some quality family time with no distractions. We went to the aquarium to see the Beluga whales, we got the best donuts I have ever tasted, and we watched the Chicago Bulls play the Portland Trailblazers. I always love going to NBA basketball games. The stadiums are designed really well for the viewer experience. Since I have started this…

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The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Rex

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Rex

Listen with intent. Listen to understand. Ask for clarification. Then speak or act freely. In 2019, I lived behind the Supreme Court Building at the top of the national mall in Washington, D.C. I was working my first job after grad school at an education startup in Arlington, Virginia. As the only full-time employee at the company, I worked daily from 7am-7pm and was tasked with writing and implementing educational programming for our growing pool of clients. There are several…

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The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Two Forces of Optimism, One Change of Heart

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Two Forces of Optimism, One Change of Heart

Weekly Optimist Newsletter Attila the Hun; barbarian, cruel, powerful. Pope Leo I; spiritual, authoritative, unifying. By 452, Attila had led sieges across Western Asia and Eastern Europe, resulting in a broken treaty with the Romans and mass destruction throughout the region. His ambition was relentless. He wanted more land, more power, and more control. By 452, Pope Leo I, also known as Pope Leo The Great, had arbitrated several disputes between religious leaders, and acted as a trusted advisor on…

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The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: The Process of Thought

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: The Process of Thought

One instance of thought does not define us. Live by a process of thought. It is the process of thought that makes us who we are and what we will become. Commit. Have you decided what you will dedicate 2023 to yet? Resolutions can be great. They start us down a fresh path to health or well-being. Sometimes they lead to success. But how many success stories begin and end in the same year? Ok, maybe not end. How many…

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