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Author: willrjconroy

How to Talk to Strangers

How to Talk to Strangers

Whether walking down the street or building a new client base, human beings encounter strangers regularly. The world’s population is growing infinitely. Skyscrapers full of apartments are popping up everywhere. Even some parts of suburbia feel like they are being overtaken by the growing concrete jungle. As more people flood into cities and towns, there is an increase in interaction. I hope most of it is good, but the depths of these interactions vary immensely, and I have some ideas…

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Life is A Collection of Choices

Life is A Collection of Choices

Article #1 It took several days and some nights to think about my first website article. I actually took even longer to start building the website to create a platform for my ideas. Before choices, I asked questions. What will I write about? Will anyone read my work? Will they enjoy it and learn from it? Eventually, I made the choice to just start writing, so welcome to article number one. Life is about choices. People are required to choose…

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