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Author: willrjconroy



The kids at the park got mean before dark, there was dirt on my shirt, but they left a mark. – “Clothes should be cool,” they said, “and we make the rules.” “Your shirt isn’t nice, take our advice. It’s too small and unclean, you know what we mean.” – It was the best I could do when buying clothes new. My dad took me shopping, but I grew and I grew. – My effort was there, it was true…

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Wobbly Wallaby

Wobbly Wallaby

Wobbly Wallaby was oh so wobbly. He wanted to walk. Can you walk? “I hope so, probably.” Let’s walk to the kitchen to get a snack, it isn’t far, there and back. It needs to be yummy and healthy too, once we get there, it’s up to you. One step, two step, still oh so wobbly. Do you think you can make it? “I hope so, probably.” “How about a carrot?” No! That’s on the top shelf. If you reach…

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Remington’s Rabbit

Remington’s Rabbit

Remington’s rabbit ran up the stairs. Bounce! Hop! Skip! Zoom! He disappeared, ran away, and hid in the other room. Remington counted down from three, went up the stairs, vroom! “Here I come!” he yelled aloud, “Time to meet your doom.” Remington’s rabbit hid in the closet, buried behind a broom. He said, “I hope Remington doesn’t find me yet, it’s not my time for gloom.” Remington looked under the bed and shoved a box, shoom! He said, “I am…

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The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: History Sits in Silence

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: History Sits in Silence

History sits in silence. The history of humankind is young and at times naïve. It has always fascinated me and its chronology is complex and wonderful. As a student, I enjoyed learning about the progression of history, its brilliance, and how we eventually arrived in “modern” society. Thousands of years ago, humankind established cultures built from ideologies in the form of art, communication, architecture, and social infrastructure. Empires rose, ruled, and fell. But history sits in silence. Thousands of years…

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Network Like A Pro

Network Like A Pro

Formal definition: the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts. Networking is learning and asking questions. It is finding things in common. It is also having the courage to feel comfortable reaching out to acquaintances or strangers and doing so especially when it feels uncomfortable. In this article, I will explore some of the ins and outs of networking and how I believe it is done effectively, like a pro. What…

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The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: What’s Next?

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: What’s Next?

Monday, November 7, 2022 You must envision your future to plan for it effectively. Is this true? Quick tangent: Writing in 2022 presents the unique challenge of trying to create original material. The millions of people writing millions of ideas on millions platforms can make it difficult to put a fresh spin on things that really do bring value to readers. That’s all I want to offer in this newsletter and on my website. I want to offer you value…

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The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Happy Halloween!

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 31, 2022 This week’s newsletter is a bit of a wild ride. Enjoy! “A mask tells us more than a face.” -Oscar Wilde We are, or will become, what we think of ourselves. We are, or will become, how we present ourselves. We get to decide. Decisions aren’t limitless. They are actually quite rare. We don’t get to decide our level of athleticism or intellect. We don’t get to decide our facial structure or height. You might be…

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A Morning Stroll

A Morning Stroll

I went for a walk this morning. It was 8:30am on the dot. It wasn’t too early, but the day hadn’t started quite yet. The ground was wet and it looked cold outside but to my surprise, when the garage door opened, there was a warm breeze reminding me that Fall was here to stay. I had on a new jacket, some waterproof boots, and I was excited because my best friend joined me today. We had the best walk…

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The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Emotional Intelligence and Self-Control

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Emotional Intelligence and Self-Control

Monday, October 24, 2022 Emotion is a natural, instinctive state of mind that is typically influenced by external circumstances. Emotion is feeling, and although it is a reaction to the external, it originates internally from our thoughts and interpretations. We may know some things to be true, especially when they are based on logic and fact. But we are constantly surrounded by questions and challenges that make us feel strongly that logic and fact cannot define all of our reality….

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The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Execute with Intent

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Execute with Intent

October 17, 2022 Our greatest developments come from execution with intent. The concept is direct and broad but it opens a wonderful conversation about who we are now, who we want to become in the future, and how to get there. A lot of us confuse execution with goal setting and intent with intention. Execution acts as a catalyst for intent in the present, while goal setting and intention shift the focus to the future. This relationship is complex, as…

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