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Author: willrjconroy

Yes You Can, Henry.

Yes You Can, Henry.

Henry jumped into bed as fast as he could. “Why is the world so big?” he asked. His Mom smiled. So you can explore all it has to offer. “Can I scuba dive?” he asked, pointing to his shelf full of toys. Yes you can, Henry. “Can I make it to the Olympics?” he asked. Yes you can, Henry. “What about a doctor? Can I be a doctor?” he asked. Yes you can, Henry. Henry pulled his covers up to…

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Smile, Laugh, and Play

Smile, Laugh, and Play

How do you like to spend your day? Make sure you smile, laugh, and play. Take a deep breath, kick a ball, run here and there, have a good fall. Call a friend, maybe two. One of them will know what to do. Playgrounds, sports, drawing, and movies. Snacks desserts, and yummy smoothies. Too many choices, it could take awhile. Just make sure they make you smile. A smile is basically half a laugh, go one step further on my…

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The Fastest Car

The Fastest Car

The fastest car revved and roared. Down the road, loud sounds soared. Hard right turn, screeching tires. Faster, faster! Winning requires speed and skill to be admired. One more lap, almost done. Faster, faster! Let’s see who won! A photo finish, what a race! The winner had the fastest pace!

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: A Construct of Time

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: A Construct of Time

Time is the most valuable measurement. Appreciate it. Acknowledge it. It is priceless. Time measures many aspects of our lives. It measures our tasks and dictates our due dates. It also measures our relationships and in some ways our health. Time to go. Time to eat. Time to not eat. Time to move on. Living for more time can mean you lived well or lived a healthy life.  Time can influence our emotions and actions. It keeps track of our…

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A Dog Named Sonny

A Dog Named Sonny

Sonny! Come! Time for dinner. You need to eat, you look thinner. Sonny! Come! Want food, Sonny? Time to eat, leave the bunny. Why doesn’t she ever listen? Normal dogs are on a mission, when it’s time to chew, other dogs come in seconds, maybe two. Sonny! Come! Sonny! Come! I’m so done, this is dumb. Click, clack, click, clack. Here she is, look who’s back. Ready to eat? Take a seat. Sit, Sonny. Good girl. You’re still our favorite,…

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My First Flight

My First Flight

On the night before my first flight, my bags were packed, neatly and tight. In the corner they stood, stacked upright. Ready to go, it was quite the sight. With a flick of the light, I called it a night. I closed my eyes, but asleep not quite, as thoughts of my flight ignited delight. On the morning before my first flight, I awoke to the bite of bright white lights. It was early all right, fall back asleep I…

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Who Are You?

Who Are You?

Who are you? What will you do? You must know what you want to pursue. You are young, that is true, but at your age I knew exactly what I had to do. Work hard in school, get the highest scores, learn all you can, start with 2+2=4. But also make sure you explore and explore. It’s okay, be unsure. Stay on track, then explore even more. Who are you? Is such a hard question, try new things, they’ll leave…

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Let’s Play Baseball!

Let’s Play Baseball!

Tie up your laces, round the bases, today is a matchup between the aces. Check for signs, step in the box, take a swing, get a knock! Runner on second rounding third, he took off to the crack of the bat he heard. Nice rope, kid! You crushed that ball, it rolled and skipped to the wall. Time to slide, get dirty this inning. Another run and we are winning. Bottom of the ninth, count is full. Shift to the…

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That Friday Feeling, On A Monday? TGIM, thank God it’s Monday. Hold on, we need to rewind a bit, right? Who thanks God that it’s Monday? Last Friday, I witnessed a typical sigh of relief as my neighbor’s shoulders dropped to the spoken thought of two consecutive days without work. Friday always feels lighter and brighter; another week of hard work had reached its peak. The carrot of a workless weekend dangled in front of us. Friday represents the end…

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Best Book Ever

Best Book Ever

Come on now, call the pup. Grab a book, cozy up. The house is locked, we are safe. It’s time to read, to investigate. Pup popped up and snuggled in, between my feet, she laid her chin. Our day was done and hers was too, time for adventure to ensue. “What story did you pick tonight?” I told my Mom, the greatest one, right? “Oh no, really? That one again?” Of course this one, it’s ten out of ten! It…

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