Air to the Throne

Air to the Throne

Penguin: Heir to the throne! Heir to the throne! The King is gone, we are on our own!

Miss Baboon: Not heir, you silly goose, AIR! The King is alive, quite well actually. But he has run out of air, his dryer died tragically.

Penguin: Miss Baboon, I am a penguin…

Miss Baboon: Stop! Let me stop you right there, nothing else matters, just our Majesty’s hair! We must find him more air, how or where I don’t care. Spare no time, go that way, now you take the stairs!

The King laid in tears, it was the worst of his fears. His dryer had died for the first time in years!

As he sat on his throne, he groaned in his seat, no potion, no lotion felt like a treat.

Miss Baboon: Ding! Ding! Ding! Your majesty? Are you there? I have sent Penguin out to find you more air.

King: Go away, cried the King, just leave me be. I’m no Majesty, but a travesty you see.

Miss Baboon: I am terribly sorry, we will find you more air. I promise, my King, your hair is still fair. Your people won’t stare, they won’t even care!

Artwork by Caitlin Mavilia at

Penguin set out on his unusual quest. Where should he look? Where was the best? The King surely needed the cleanest air that exists, he would never settle for a fog or a mist.

Penguin: Where is there air? Can it be made or bought? What type of snare gets the cleanest air caught?

Back at the castle, Miss Baboon tried and scrambled to soothe the King but he just cried and rambled. Sending Penguin out was a gamble for sure, but no one knew how long the King could endure.

King: My mane! My mane! I am losing my reign! It’s getting frizzy, plain, and harder to maintain. Miss Baboon what shall I do? How much longer will this chaos ensue?

Miss Baboon: I assure you Penguin is working fast as he can. In the meantime, how about you try this new fan?

King: No fans! the King declared, as he frowned and glared. What a horrible idea, I am scared you compared. Fans are not dryers, or especially the reverse, now go away your ideas are the worst!

Still on his journey, Penguin climbed up a hill, when he got to the top he stood there until a giant gust of air knocked him onto his bill!

Penguin: Oh, what a thrill! This air twirls and spins! Penguin had found air and couldn’t help but to grin.

He pulled out his bag and a box and his socks. He even dragged himself up onto the rocks. He held out his stuff, held it high and wide, but the air flew through and never stayed inside. His travels and trekking had been far and wide, his bag, box, and socks now had holes in their sides.

Penguin: I have tried and tried but I have been denied! When I return to the King I will be cast aside!

Penguin returned to the castle with nothing to show, his big happy grin had lost all its glow.

Miss Baboon: Penguin! Penguin! Where have you been? I am glad you’re back my head was starting to spin. Did you find more air? The cleanest for the King? His hair has gone thin, thinner than string!

Penguin: I found the air but could not trap it. My socks with holes could not wrap it. This new air idea, we have to scrap it.

Miss Baboon: I should not be surprised! Sending you out was unwise I realize! Should I tell the King what you didn’t bring? He won’t be able to handle that sting!

Penguin: It’s okay, Miss Baboon, send me his way. I will deliver the news, I will do it today.

Penguin walked up the stairs to the King’s abode, opened the door, and a squeak echoed.

King: Penguin you are here! Have you brought air for my dryer? I fear the end is near, the situation is dire!

Penguin: I apologize my King; the air could not be caught… Penguin looked to his right, to a brand-new spot. Tangled high in the corner a pile of wire circled and clung to the King’s dead dryer.

Penguin: My King, I must ask, may I inquire? Who checked your dryer? Miss Baboon or the squire?

He pulled at the pile, it was tucked in snug, he pulled for a while, the King looked bugged. All of a sudden it just appeared! The dryer’s plug was unplugged, how weird.

Penguin hurried to plug everything in, and immediately the dryer began to spin!

Hot air shot out and then some cold. Behold the King’s mane, again controlled! The biggest problem Penguin solved on his own! He had returned the King’s beloved air to his throne.

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