A Morning Stroll

A Morning Stroll

I went for a walk this morning. It was 8:30am on the dot. It wasn’t too early, but the day hadn’t started quite yet. The ground was wet and it looked cold outside but to my surprise, when the garage door opened, there was a warm breeze reminding me that Fall was here to stay.

I had on a new jacket, some waterproof boots, and I was excited because my best friend joined me today. We had the best walk together. He noticed things that I would otherwise miss, and it made for the best adventure.

The yard had more leaves today than yesterday. I knew this because the grass was gone. My friend and I had made a big pile of leaves the day before, leaving paths of green all over the yard. Those green paths were now gone so I knew we would have to make new ones, and a new leaf pile too.

A project for another day.

I turned right out of my driveway, after I looked left as always. But this morning I wanted to wave to the cars on the road, so that meant I had to go right. It was a far walk, but always a good one.

My boots were too big but I hardly noticed. There was a big puddle and two little white dogs barking with excitement as I walked by. I don’t know why the dogs loved me, but I knew they did so I pointed to them and smiled. I wanted them to know it was nice to see them.

This morning I waved goodbye to the dogs which made me lose my balance. I wasn’t looking where I was going because my friend usually catches me. I fell in a puddle and soaked my pants. I soaked my jacket too and somehow my waterproof boots filled up with muddy water. I made the most of it by splashing around.

Walking to the right was farther than I remembered. But I had to keep going because there was a lot to do today.

When I found out my best friend was joining me, I knew I had to show him my favorite practice hill. I have been practicing walking up and down hills. I chose a hard hill this morning. It was steep but I knew I could handle it. I showed my friend that I could go up and down four times without falling. It was probably my best practice so far.

It was about 8:37am after my hill practice. I told you walking to the right was far. My friend and I kept going. I really wanted to see the cars. We were almost there and I noticed that my neighbors mailbox got knocked over. I wondered why that happened. When I pointed at it and asked my friend what he thought had happened, he just told me it was a mailbox. I looked down and there was another puddle. This time I made sure not to fall in. This puddle was deeper so I sat in it on purpose and smacked it with my hands.

My best friend had to leave so we turned around. We were so busy that we didn’t wave to the cars today, but there were leaf piles and hills, dogs and puddles. I showed him how I practice hills and we had a lot of fun. He was even nice enough to hold my hand on the way back to my house. It made walking too easy for me, so we ran home. On our way back we saw all of this morning’s adventures.

I went for a walk this morning. It was the best one yet. I hope I get to go on another one soon. Maybe I will turn left tomorrow.


A Note From Will:

From the mind of my son, Beckett, because we love our morning walks. We have a new daily routine of walking in our neighborhood. He is about 15 months old and learning new things every day.

I love running this website because I can write about anything. It is a true reflection of what I think about and what my life looks like right now. Sometimes I cover job application materials, other times topics about the philosophy and psychology of living a great life. Today I took a dive into what my son might notice on our morning walks, though I know children are much more advanced than they are often given credit for. Either way, it was fun to write, I hope you enjoyed it. Make it a great day!

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