The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: You Have to Start.

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: You Have to Start.

Monday, September 19, 2022

You have to start if you want to win. Expect yourself to start. Expect yourself to win.

Starting is simple, but not always easy. Simple means uncomplicated in form, nature or design, and/or straightforward. So if starting is simple, you should just start.

Doing a pushup is simple in nature and design. Reading one word and understanding it can be simple in nature and design. Going for a walk can be simple. However, when these simple actions multiply and transform, simplicity can become difficulty and complication. You can probably do one pushup, but can you do 100? It might be easy to make $5, but how would you make $50,000? Walking, for people with able bodies, is a simple form of human transportation, but not when walking up a hill for 2 miles straight.

This past week I was thinking about the combination of things we choose to do and things that happen to us. The shift from simple to complex can happen very quickly in our day to day lives. When controllable things, like deciding to exercise, are interrupted by the uncontrollable, like the distraction of 10 pings from work emails, our heart rate goes up and we start to overthink. Before we know it, there is too much to do, in too little time, without enough support. We start to think about what’s upsetting us and emotions take over. Emotions can completely influence and shut down our focus and actions so it’s important to plan our start to the day, week, month, and/or year, and execute.

Successful, effective execution forms from your full attention and connection to what you are doing. I often struggle with all of the information we have access to now because experts always seem to contradict each other. Some studies support full focus when completing tasks. Turn off the TV, turn off your phone, turn off technology and get to work. Other studies promote creative innovation and task completion by way of letting your mind wander. That is the opposite of focus in my opinion. At times this is unhelpful because I start to overthink which approach to take. I am confident that simplicity is key. Go with your intuition, your gut feeling, and believe in your process while exploring new ideas in small doses along the way.

So where do you start? How do you know when to apply for a new job or register your first business? Should you move to a new town or city? What should you invest in? What workout plan is the most effective for your body type and current activity level? What book do you read next? What podcast should you listen to first. It is not too late to notice, analyze, focus and act. So just start.

I found this relatable cartoon from @cynyassy on Instagram that talks about when we start and how it is never too late. Give yourself a chance to win, succeed, and find joy in what you do. All it takes is expecting yourself to start and following through. You can do it. I am rooting for you. Enjoy your Monday and make it a great week!

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