The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Growing

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Growing

Quotes from Me:

“How much is too much to manage?”

“You are the only one responsible for your emotional reactions.”

“Do what you can to embrace life’s impermanence.”

Quotes from Others:

“A seed fears neither light nor darkness, but uses both to grow.” – Mathshona Dhilwayo

“Do what you can, when you can, with as much love and honesty as you can, and when you can’t, rest.” – Nanea Hoffman

“Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?” – Socrates

Quick Optimism:

You are growing in so many ways, some of which you are unaware (not a Thanksgiving dinner joke).


Happy early Thanksgiving! What is your favorite TG dinner item? I think my answer used to be everything, but my wife takes it to a whole new level. My answer is still everything, but her sweet potato recipe and stuffing recipe are INSANELY good.

While all of our waistlines tend to grow a bit around the holidays, there are other things that grow with us. Just like the plants and animals that contribute to our favorite dinners on Thanksgiving Day, we are more connected to the Earth than we often consider.

Have you ever noticed what’s growing around you? What’s growing with you?

I keep thinking about trees when I look at this question. I am fortunate to have mature trees surrounding my property, and my daughter loves to pause on our walks, point, and yell, “Tree!” every time we see another one.

Here’s a thought: the day you were born, all over the world, plants and trees and other life began their journey with you. You all share a birthday.

Since that day, there is a tree somewhere that is the same exact age as you, one that has endured heavy rain and freezing cold. You have both grown stronger over time and in some way, you are still connected.

What else has been growing alongside you since you were born? What has grown, aged, and died along the way? Is there anything new growing in your life? Give thanks for all the above, and make it a grateful week.

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