The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Fear

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: Fear

Quotes from Me:

“There absolutely is such thing as beautiful fear.”

“Escape from your stress, commit to boosting your energy, work with your mood, clear you head. Get into it.”

“Rushing feels faster. Productive activity works faster. Avoid the illusion.”

Quotes from Others:

“One who believes in himself has no need to convince others.” – Lao Tzu

“An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field.” – Niels Bohr

“Try not to become a person of success, but rather, try to become a person of value.” – Albert Einstein

Quick Optimism:

The days that nearly break you, make you.

Question of the Week:

What do you fear? Can you overcome it? When you do, how do you feel?

I just got back from a work trip in Irvine, California. There was a lot of work, but also visits to the famous Newport Beach, Crystal Cove, Anaheim, and a mountain covered in potatoes.

Two moments stood out to me: the swimming and hiking.

I have never felt fully comfortable swimming in deep ocean water. I have never felt fully comfortable hiking in new places alone. At times, I find it important to do these things anyway as it is very fulfilling, exciting, and freeing. And there are safe ways to explore solo, so make sure you do some research first.  

The swim felt easier mentally since Corona Del Mar is a popular tri-athlete training spot. There were plenty of other people swimming a lot farther out than me.

There was a buoy about 80-yards from the smaller surf I was enjoying, so I decided to make the swim.

But the hike was eerie. I went alone and didn’t see anyone. There were two half-eaten birthday cakes at the entrance and as I said before, tons of potatoes. It hadn’t occurred to me that there might be animals interested in the food that people left to celebrate their hike on Potato Mountain.

I ended up seeing a lot of cougar and black bear poop along the way. At the top, I found what was promised by the locals in town, an incredible view of Mount San Antonio, one of several peaks that rise within the range of 10,000-15,000 feet in California.

I didn’t run into any dangerous wildlife, but the thought crossed my mind a few times. I’ll still be nervous next time I do these things again but it felt good to overcome the fear in the moment.

When was the last time you overcame something you fear? How did it feel?

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