The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: A Moment Before Every Moment

The Weekly Optimist Newsletter: A Moment Before Every Moment

Quotes of the Week from Me:

“Discipline is self-love.”

“Consistency is transformative.”

“A quiet morning will set you up for a quiet day.”

“Extend the moment.”

Quotes of the Week from Others:

“You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.” – Nietzsche

“Do it or don’t do it – you’ll regret both.” – Keirkegaard

“For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” – Nelson Mandela

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”

– Aristotle

Quick Optimism

Spend more time with family. Spend less time with family. As needed.

Full Newsletter

A Moment Before Every Moment

Happy Birthday Dad! You are the best. Love you.

I am pretty sure I am remembering this from an old Derek Jeter commercial, but I wasn’t able to find it anywhere. Derek Jeter was one of my idols growing up so I will go with my gut and say I am remembering this correctly.

There is this old commercial (I think) with Derek Jeter in a suit, standing behind the curtains of a big stage. You can almost make out the voice of the person out in front of the crowd, but it is met with a huge roar of excitement in anticipation of Derek Jeter coming to the microphone. As the curtains slowly begin to open, Derek Jeter takes a big breath, lets his shoulders release, and then heads out to greet the crowd. The screen reads, “There is a moment before every moment.” The end.

Now again, some of this could be the memory of a formerly shy individual. Public speaking, big crowds, etc. were not my thing. So, this type of commercial really would’ve made Derek Jeter appear even more immortal to me. He could do it all. On and off the field. Whether I am paraphrasing or getting it 100% right, the message continues to serve its purpose as I go about life today.

Fast forward to today, I still have this commercial pop into my head. I notice times when focusing on the moment before the moment is really the only way to prepare for certain situations. Then came my idea to “extend the moment,” seen above. The application of tools and tips for living a better life work best when they can adjust to any need or circumstance. Here are some of the ways I extend moments before moments and how much I appreciate the awareness of my ability to do so.

  1. Planning an activity for nap time, before nap time – this newsletter is often written during nap time. It helps to know what I will jump into when I have a free moment.
  2. Waking up 20 minutes earlier in the morning to ease into the day. It gives me more time for quiet preparation. I can get organized or relax in bed for 5 minutes.
  3. Taking a deep breath. Not multiple. Not breathing exercises. One big deep breath like Derek Jeter in the commercial.
  4. Preparing mentally for a difficult work call or frustrating email. The small things can get difficult. Do something fun for 5 minutes like talking with a co-worker or listening to a good song before you tackle the next step.

The deep breath approach has always been interesting. I have used it without realizing it. I now use it with realizing it. I have had varied success.

I’d take a deep breath in high school right before shooting a foul shot. Little success. I think I shot around 54% from the foul line. Not great.

I’d take a deep breath in high school right before throwing a pitch. More success. I led the state in strikeouts.

I’d take a deep breath before some questions on tests, my answers would be right and wrong.

Now I take a deep breath before giving presentations or before my kids attempt something somewhat dangerous. The moment before the moment, the breath before the moment, prepares me to take what comes in any situation. It doesn’t change the outcome necessarily, but it makes me feel more equipped to handle what’s next.

If any of you watch professional athletes, many of them do it too. They stare at their bat and take a deep breath before the next pitch, high divers drop their shoulders to relax before they free fall while spinning a million times, soccer players breath in deeply just before taking their first strides on a penalty kick. We can discuss the science in the future. There are a lot of benefits to learning how to relax the body as quickly as possible. Be aware of the moment, the breath, before the moment.

Start with a deep breath. Take a small moment before the big moments. Take extended moments before the smaller moments. Do what makes you feel equipped and prepared. Then take what comes with some relaxed shoulders.

Make it the best Monday!

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